Resilient Kids - Group counselling for children who have a parent with a significant mental illness

Provided by Vancouver Coastal Health

Provides group counselling and education to children who have a parent with significant mental illness, and who have established psychiatric support for the parent. For residents of Vancouver.
Provides group counselling and education to children who have a parent with significant mental illness and who have established psychiatric support for the parent. Three groups run every year, each consisting of eight 2-hour sessions for a maximum of 12 children. Areas covered in these groups include coping, communication and social skills, mental health education to help children understand their parent's illness, peer support, building self-esteem and confidence, and other recreational and relaxation activities. This service is offered as part of the VCH Family and Community Enhancement Services.

The Family and Community Enhancement Services office is located on the third floor. Hours of Operation: Offered 3 times per year, Wed, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM. Please call for registration and information.

Eligibility: Children must have a parent with significant mental illness who has established psychiatric support. Serves residents of Vancouver.

604-675-3896 ext. 20674


#288, 2750 East Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5K 1Z9

The Family and Community Enhancement Services office is located on the third floor.

Service is available in English.

Cost: No cost

Associated Programs/Services

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Service area: Vancouver

Ways to Access
  • After Hours Services
  • Provided 1:1 in-person
  • Provided in a group in-person

The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.

Pathways does not provide medical advice. If you have an emergency please call 9-1-1. If you require assistance navigating services please call 8-1-1.

For general inquiries or for assistance, please email us:

If you are requesting clinical access to medical Pathways, please provide the following information via the email above:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Email
  4. In which city/town do you work?
  5. What is your role? E.g. Family Physician, Office Staff, Medical Resident
  6. Employer Name (for office staff)
  7. Office Phone

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