Respiratory Education Outpatient Centre (REC) - Victoria
Condition Specific Support, Healthcare Providers, and Public Health
Provided by Island Health
How Does It Work
- The program referral form must be completed by a primary care provider, and sent to the REC via fax (250-370-8831).
- REC will directly contact the patient to determine needs, relevant education session(s), and appointments. For the first appointment, the patient must bring their health card, name of their primary care provider and/or specialist; all inhaler medications and devices; a list of other current medications; and a COPD Action Plan, if applicable. Please note - REC requires a 24-HR cancellation notice.
- Patients referred for asthma education are seen one-on-one by a Certified Respiratory Educator/Therapist (CRE). Patients referred for COPD education can also be seen one-on-one by a CRE.
- In each case, additional visits can be arranged by the patient and CRE if more discussion and/or education is warranted.
- REC Patients with COPD also have access to a more in-depth educational opportunity with the Living Well with COPD program which is an 8-week program consisting of 1.5 hour sessions, once per week, at either the Royal Jubilee Hospital or the Hillside Seniors Centre.
- *The same REC referral form can be used for all referrals.
- The REC does NOT provide diagnostic services.
Other Respiratory-related Resources Include
Royal Jubilee Hospital - Royal 4 - #Rm 419, 1952 Bay Street, Victoria, British Columbia, V8R 1J8
Wheelchair accessible.
Service is available in English.
Cost: No cost
Referral options:
- Physician or nurse practitioner referral
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by Island Health:
Just the closest matches listed. Click to see more!- Island Health Youth Health Clinic - West Shore
- Diabetes Clinics and Education Centres (DEC Adult Diabetes Services) - Victoria
- MyHealth - Health Information Portal for Island Health Residents
Service area: Brentwood Bay, Galiano Island, Langford, Mayne Island, North Saanich, Pender Island, Saanich, Saanichton, Salt Spring Island, Saturna Island, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria
Service Types Provided
Ways to Access
- Provided 1:1 in-person
- Provided at multiple locations
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.